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Accessories ››  Brass Mutes (70)

Brass Mutes

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Stonelined Trumpet Mute

Denis Wick Trumpet / Cornet Straight Mute

Stonelined Trombone Mute

Stonelined Trumpet Derby Mute

Alessi Vacchiano Mute Cork

Denis Wick Trumpet / Cornet Adjustable Cup Mute

Manhasset Cup or Mute Holder

The Silent Brass System

Harmon Wow-Wow Trumpet / Cornet Mute

Stonelined Trombone Derby Mute

Jo-Ral TriTone Trumpet Cup Mute

Alessi-Vacchiano Trombone Straight Mute

Jo-Ral Trumpet Plunger Mute

Tom Crown Trumpet Wah Wah Mute

Tom Crown Trumpet Straight Mute

Denis Wick Euphonium Straight Mute

Denis Wick Bass Trombone Straight Mute

Jo-Ral Trumpet Bubble Wah Wah Mute

Jo-Ral Trumpet Straight Mute

Tom Crown French Horn Stop Mute

Stonelined French Horn Mute

Jo-Ral Large Tenor Trombone Adjustable Cup Mute

Jo-Ral Trombone Straight Mute

Tom Crown Bass Trombone Straight Mute