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Elementary General Music ››  Singing Games (108)

Singing Games

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Rhythm Cups - Songs and Activities for the Music Classroom
John Jacobson
Book of Movement Exploration
John Feierabend
Busy Bodies, Busy Brains
(Songs and Activities for Your Littlest Music Learners)
Mari Schay
Circle of Song
(32 Songs, Games, and Dances for Music Class)
Valeaira Luppens & Greg Foreman
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First, We Sing! Songbook #1
Susan Brumfield
Sing and Dance Around the World #1
Greg Gilpin
First Steps in Music: with Orff Schulwerk
(Sing, Say, Dance, Play)
Brandon, Greene, Grimsby, Knapp & Tranberg
Dance Like a Butterfly
(Songs from Liberia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Ghana)
Kwasi Dunyo & Karen Howard
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Hands to Hands
(Hand Clapping Songs and Games from Around the World)
Aimee Curtis Pfitzner
Down in the Valley
(More Great Singing Games for Children)
New England Dancing Masters
Little Stompers
(Songs and Movement Activities for the Music Classroom)
John Jacobson & Roger Emerson
Musicplay PreK
Denise Gagne
Singing Games Children Love
Denise Gagne
I'm Growing Up
(Fingerplays, Action Songs, Singing Games and Stories for Young Children!)
Mary Alice Amidon & Andy Davis
The ULTIMATE Gettin' Down with Mama Goose
Mark Burrows
First, We Sing! Songbook #2
Susan Brumfield
Hands to Hands, Too!
(Hand Clapping Songs and Games from the USA and Canada)
Aimee Curtis Pfitzner
First Steps in Music: The Book of Playground Songs and Rhymes
John M. Feierabend
Songs of the Sun
Tiffany Unarce Barry
Had a Little Rooster
John M. Feireabend
Alabama Gal
(Nine Never-Fail Dances and Singing Games for Children)
New England Dancing Masters
First Steps in Music: The Book of Song Dances
John M. Feierabend
First, We Sing! Songbook #3
Susan Brumfield
Sing a Song Play a Game
Aimee Curtis Pfitner