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Gifts for Musicians ››  Conducting Books (79)

Conducting Books

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Ensemble: An Integrated Approach to the Yamaha Harmony Director
(Instructional Blueprint for Ensemble Playing)
Michael Pote, Kyle Young & Andrew Brough
Choral Reflections
(Insights from American Choral Conductor-Teachers)
ed. Brandon Williams
In Search of Inspiration
(Interviews with Notable Choral Conductors)
Gregory Gentry
Musician, Heal Thyself!
(Free Your Shoulder Region Through Body Mapping)
Jennifer Johnson
Creating Excellence in Choirs and Orchestras
Dennis Shrock
The Well-Blended Ensemble
(Focusing on Intonation, Balance and Tone Color Methods for Band)
Hayato Hirose
A Choral Director's Guide to Instrumental Conducting
Michael Kemp
Teaching Instrumental Music (Second Edition)
(Developing the Complete Band Program)
Shelley Jagow
Symphonic Works Analyzed
Robert Quebbeman
Foundations of Conducting Technique
Frank Eychaner
Conducting Music Today
Bruce Hangen
A Practical Guide to Choral Conducting
Bradley Ellingboe
The Conductor's Toolbox
(Transforming Yourself as Musician and Conductor)
Richard Sparks
The Voice
(Insights into the Physiology of Singing and Speaking)
Bernhard Richter, Matthias Echternach, Louisa Traser, Michael Burdumy & Claudia Spahn
Instrumental Conducting Performance Materials
John M. Laverty
Leading Tones
(Reflections on Music, Musicians, and the Music Industry)
Leonard Slatkin
The Spark
(Notes from the Podium)
Gary Gackstatter & Ron Sikes
The Conductor's Companion
Gary Stith
ePrint Folders unavailable
On Conducting The Professional Concert Band
Leonard B. Smith
(A Beginner's Guide)
Gerald Custer & Blake R. Henson
Baton Basics
(Communicating Music through Gestures)
Diane Wittry
Did You Hear That?
Jerry O. Blackstone
Conversations with Joseph Flummerfelt
(Thoughts on Conducting, Music, and Musicians)
Donald Nally
When We Sing
(Simple Techniques for Conducting Children's Choirs)
Christine Jordanoff