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Handbell Duets (47)

Handbell Duets

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Calles Americanas
(American Streets)
Stewart Wallace/arr. David Jordan
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Felix Arndt/arr. David Jordan
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Le Bal
("Jeux d'enfants" (Children's Games) Op. 22)
Georges Bizet/arr. David Jordan
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Claude Debussy/arr. David Jordan
Romance Without Words
Gabriel Faure/arr. David Jordan
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
arr. Lauran Delancy
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Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer
(God of Grace and God of Glory)
arr. Lauran Delancy
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Lamb of God for Sinners Wounded
arr. Lauran Delancy
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Come, Holy Ghost
arr. Lauran Delancy
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Rondo Alla Turca
Mozart /arr. Lauran Delancy
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Bells Still Are Chiming and Calling
arr. Lauran Delancy
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Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
arr. Lauran Delancy
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Holst /arr. Lauran Delancy
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When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
arr. Linda R. Lamb
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Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella
arr. Joel Raney & Barbara Brocker
BellTrees-a-Poppin Bell Tree Duet
Paul Schull
Five Duets for Christmas II
arr. Douglas E. Wagner
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Celebration of Thanksgiving
Michael Mazzatenta
Bell Duo Fanfare
Michael Mazzatenta
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Five Duets of Praise
arr. D. Wagner
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In Thee Is Gladness
Gastolde/arr. Susan Geschke
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Six Hymn Duets and Trios
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The Gift of Love
Hal Hopson/Broome
(Songs of Faith Series)
Kevin McChesney
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