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Handbells ››  Handbell Music for 2-5 Octaves (41)

Handbell Music for 2-5 Octaves

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Enjoy the Ride!
(Alternate title: Glorify the Lord!)
Kathleen Wissinger
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As Lately We Watched
arr. Sondra K. Tucker
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Salamander Tales and Gecko Antics
(Faithful Devotion and Joyous Day)
Kathleen Wissinger
(Goin' Home)
Antonin Dvorak/arr. Dave Howland
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Variations on the Doxology
arr. Sondra K. Tucker
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O Come, All Ye Faithful
arr. Patricia Hurlbutt
Sussex Carol
(On Christmas Night)
Patricia Hurlbutt
Gloucestershire Wassail
Patricia Hurlbutt
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Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
arr. Kathleen Wissinger
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'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime
arr. David Howland
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Spacious Skies
Ron Mallory
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Crown Him with Many Crowns
arr. Patricia Hurlbutt
Yankee Doodle Medley
arr. Patricia Hurlbutt
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Ron Mallory
arr. Linda Lamb
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That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright
arr. Robert James Lamb
Sing Along Hymns
arr. Ardis Freeman
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Sing Along Songs of America
arr. Ardis Freeman
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Away in a Manger
arr. John A. Behnke
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Ron Mallory
Kathleen Wissinger
Gather, Thankful People
arr. Kathleen Wissinger
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
arr. Kathleen Wissinger
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Jesus Shall Reign
arr. Bill Ingram
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