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Handbells ››  Handbell Music for 3-4 Octaves (52)

Handbell Music for 3-4 Octaves

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Transitions of the Heart
Matthew Compton
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Ron Mallory
Two and Three
(Quartet or Quintet)
Matthew Prins
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To the Glory of God
Howard Starks
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Fanfare and Variation in C
Caleb J. Onstead
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Fantasy on Simple Gifts
(Traditional Shaker Tune)
arr. Brian Childers
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C.P.E. Bach/arr. Brian Childers
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Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
arr. Brian Childers
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(Eine Kleine Nachtmusik)
W.A. Mozart/arr. Robert James Lamb
O Come, Little Children
arr. Marquise Usher
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
arr. Mitchell Eithun
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What Wondrous Love Is This
arr. David Burroughs
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Fun With Chopsticks
arr. John A. Behnke
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(Handbell Solo with Piano)
Claude Debussy /arr. Kurt Meyer
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Lonesome Valley
arr. Barbara Brocker
Holst /arr. Lauran Delancy
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Festival on Wexford Carol 1 & 2
arr. Kathleen Wissinger
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Resurrection Dance
arr. Sondra K. Tucker
Matthew Compton
West Indies Carol
Traditional / Hart Morris & Christine Anderson
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Easy Favorites for the Handbell Soloist
(Volume 2)
arr. Cathy Moklebust & David Moklebust
Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella
arr. Joel Raney & Barbara Brocker
Be Thou My Vision
arr. Cynthia Dobrinski & Barbara Brocker
How Beautiful
Twila Paris arr. Phillip Keveren & Barbara Brocker