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Handbells ››  Handbell Music for 3 Octaves (444)

Handbell Music for 3 Octaves

Accompaniments & Recordings

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A Candlelight Christmas
arr. Sondra Tucker
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Sussex Mummers' Christmas Carol
arr. Mitchell Eithun
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12 Bells for Thanksgiving
arr. Kathleen Wissinger
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12 Bells for Holidays, Volume 1
arr. Kathleen Wissinger
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In the Bleak Midwinter
arr. Fred Gramann
I'm Just a Poor Wayfaring Stranger
arr. Tammy Waldrop
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Sylvan Glen
(Peace Be with You)
arr. Kathleen Wissinger
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A Gentle Presence
(Bell Tree Solo and Ensemble)
arr. Kathleen Wissinger
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Reflections on Londonderry Air
arr. Kurt Meyer
God So Loved the World
John Stainer /arr. Kurt Meyer
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Meditation on "Largo"
Antonin Dvorak /arr. Kurt Meyer
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Introspection on "Great Is Thy Faithfulness"
Kurt Meyer
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When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
arr. Jason W. Krug
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O Holy Night
arr. Jason W. Krug
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Praise and Rejoice
Kurt Meyer
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Jason W. Krug
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Communion Medley
Various /arr. Jason W. Krug
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Celebration Fanfare
Jason W. Krug
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Let All Creation Resound
Jason W. Krug
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Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart
arr. Jason W. Krug
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In the Beginning Was the Word
Lew Gillis
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Living Water
Cathy Moklebust
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Lamb of God, King of Kings
(Lenten and Eastertide hymns for 12 handbells and optional piano)
arr. Cathy Moklebust
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Small but Mighty: Settings for 12 Bells, Vol. 6 for Lent & Easter
arr. Jason W. Krug
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