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Handbells ››  Handbell Music for 5-7 Octaves (66)

Handbell Music for 5-7 Octaves

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Christmas Joy
arr. Hart Morris
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Transitions of the Heart
Matthew Compton
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Matthew Compton
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Alex Guebert
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(Handbell Symphony # 1 in C minor; Movement 1 - Sonata Allegro)
Paul Douglas
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Beer Barrel Polka
(Roll Out the Barrel)
arr. Hart Morris
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(To Life!)
Lawrence P. Bower, Jr.
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A Walk in the Black Forest
(Eine Schwarzwaldfahrt)
Horst Jankowski/arr. Paul W. Allen
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Alex Guebert
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Matthew Compton
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Lux Aeterna
Matthew Compton & Bill Payn
I Got Rhythm
George Gershwin/arr. Hart Morris
Second Suite in F, Mvt. 2
(Song Without Words)
arr. Alex Guebert
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Second Suite in F, Mvt. 3
(Song of the Blacksmith)
arr. Alex Guebert
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Second Suite in F, Mvt. 4
(Fantasia on the Dargason)
arr. Alex Guebert
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Second Suite in F, Mvt. 1
arr. Alex Guebert
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Second Suite in F
(Opus 28, No. 2)
Gustav Holst/arr. Alex Guebert
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From Peril to Peace to Joy
Lee Afdahl
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Fantasy on "Schlafst du noch?"
(Are You Sleeping?)
arr. Linda Boatright
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Time and Tide
Robert Scott Riker
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Shock Wave
Jason W. Krug
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Jason Krug
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Fantasy on Simple Gifts
(Traditional Shaker Tune)
arr. Brian Childers
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Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
arr. Brian Childers
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