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Piano Sheet Music ››  Lent and Easter (90)

Lent and Easter

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Cross to Crown: Four Hymns for Piano
arr. Olivia Cresswell
Piano Duets for Easter
Jeffrey Blersch
Crowned: Lent and Easter Preludes for Piano
arr. Thomas W. Jefferson
The Church Pianist's Library, Vol. 32
Various Composers
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The Rugged Cross, the Empty Tomb
(Piano Solos of Sacrifice and Triumph)
arr. Victor C. Johnson
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Alleluias for the Piano
(Hymn Arrangements to Lift Our Praise)
arr. Pepper Choplin
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In Praise of Love
(Piano Settings for Lent and Easter)
arr. Zach Unke
Hymns of Joy and Grace, Vol. 2
(Piano Settings for Lent and Easter)
arr. Sylvia Oines
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Isaac Watts & Lowell Mason/arr. Ken Barker
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Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
arr. Ken Barker
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At the Cross
Isaac Watts & Ralph E. Hudson/arr. John Purifoy
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And Can It Be
Charles Wesley & Thomas Campbell/arr. John Purifoy
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Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed with Were You There
Isaac Watts & Hugh Wilson/arr. John Purifoy
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O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
Paul Gerhardt & Hans Leo Hassler/arr. John Purifoy
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Wondrous, Redeeming Love
(Piano Solos for Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost)
arr. Lloyd Larson
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The Best of The Church Pianist , Vol. 1
(Music for Spring and Easter)
Various Composers
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The Church Pianist's Library, Vol. 28
Various Composers
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Jesus, Priceless Treasure
(A Musical Journey from Passion to Resurrection)
Jonathan W. Lee
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Meditations on Grace
(Artistic Piano Arrangements for Lent and Holy Week)
Mary McDonald
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Glorious Morning!
(Hymns and Original Piano Music for Holy Week and Easter)
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Cherish the Cross
(Hymns of Sacrifice and Redemption for Piano Solo)
Chuck Sinclair
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Measureless the Love of God
(Honoring the endless devotion of our Creator)
Marty Parks
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Crucified and Triumphant King!
(Piano Solos for Holy Week)
Various Arrangers
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Easter Hope
(11 Piano Solos)
arr. Thomas Keesecker
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