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Handbells ››  Handbell Solo Music (115)

Handbell Solo Music

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Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
arr. Kurt Meyer
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Moonlight Sonata
(Opus 27, No. 2 First Movement)
arr. Jason W. Krug
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O Little Town of Bethlehem
arr. Jason W. Krug
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Breathe on Me, Breath of God
arr. Jason W. Krug
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Joy to the World
arr. Jason W. Krug
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Lift Every Voice and Sing
arr. Jason W. Krug
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Spyglass: Cracking the Case
Brian Childers
ePrint Folders unavailable
From This Day Forward
(In the House of the Lord)
Brian Childers
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Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?
Dan Edwards/arr. Sue Garton
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C.P.E. Bach/arr. Brian Childers
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Let There Be Peace on Earth
arr. Kurt Meyer
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Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Kurt Meyer
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(from Twelve Heroic Marches)
Georg Philipp Telemann/arr. BrianChilders
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Jason W. Krug
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Jason W. Krug
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Abide With Me
arr. Jason W. Krug
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Rejoice, the Lord Is King
arr. Kurt Meyer
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Fantasy on Beach Spring
arr. Jason W. Krug
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Easter Sunrise
arr. Brian Childers
Here I Am, Lord
arr. Tammera Missel & Jason W. Krug
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
arr. Mark Hayes, adapt. Carol M. Smith
The Typewriter
Leroy Anderson/arr. Carol M. Smith & Jane E. Patty
Via Dolorosa
Billy Sprague & Niles Borop/arr. Kevin Ko
What a Wonderful World
arr. Carol Smith after Ruth Artman