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Bookkeeper Services


A bookkeeper's work is made a little easier when they have the right tools to get the job done. This free service is for the bill payer of the account. Bookkeeper Services provides instant access to your account - view and print open and paid invoices, view items ordered, and track packages. Payment by electronic check (US only) and credit card is available online. We understand the complexity and variety of managing your accounts payable - make your job easier and register today.

Why don't I have access?

In order to view bookkeeper accounts information online, you must be the bookkeeper for an established account with Pepper®.

How do I get a bookkeeper account number?

Please call us at 1.800.345.6296

Can I register for multiple accounts?

Yes. However, each account number must be registered separately.

Can more than one bookkeeper be registered on the account?

The registration is done on an account, rather than individual (person) basis. The account number and password can be shared with your organization's authorized bookkeepers. Only share the logon information with the individuals you wish to have access to this account.

I am replacing a former bookkeeper. How do I register as the bookkeeper for this same account number?

Please type the account number in the field under REGISTER ME* and submit. Next, complete the form with the new information and submit the form. You will be notified by email when your registration is complete. Please allow up to 1 business day for authorization of your registration.

Why wasn't my registration accepted?

a) An invalid account number was entered on the registration form.
b) You must be an authorized bookkeeper to register for the account.
c) We may have contacted you for further information but have not yet received a response to our inquiry.

Can I pay online with a Credit Card?

Yes! Any open invoice can be paid online with a credit card. A credit card payment requires the billing address of the credit card entered in the address lines of the credit card payment form. Please note credit dollars cannot be selected online for payment. If you want to use credit dollars for a payment, please contact our credit department for assistance with this payment issue.
Phone: 800-345-6296 extension 3600
Fax: 610-232-1894

Can I track a package?

Yes. A tracking link is provided for each invoice in the Invoice Detail information.

Where does the Purchase Order number appear?

The Purchase Order number is directly below the invoice number in the Invoice Detail information of the invoice. Invoices can be sorted by Pruchase Order number. Click on the Sort By drop down menu located above the Invoice Detail information page. On your paper invoice, it appears in the upper right corner beneath the account number.

Why hasn't my payment been applied to the invoices on my account?

We may not have received your check. Check with your bank to see if it has cleared. To facilitate quick and accurate check application, when sending payment please include the account number and invoices to be paid. Payment by electronic check is not automatic. Processing a payment can take 3-5 business days.

Can I receive invoices by email?

Yes, Your email address can be added to your account to receive invoices and credit memos the instant they post to the account. A pdf file of the invoice and/or credit memo will be emailed to you.